
Happy Things

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Hey friends!
I woke up this morning, remembered it was the 1st of May, thought of May Day, which then lead me to thinking of fresh flowers. A fresh cut bouquet of flowers is one of the easiest ways to put a smile on this girl's face. Lately I have been trying to really "stop and smell the roses", as they say. Realizing the little things in life that make me happy is something that has happened as a result. It has also reminded  me to actually  make time for these things! Self care, am I right?

If you know me well, you know coffee is life. Starbucks is my jam (and my employer); but I also love trying new coffee shops. I love the taste of coffee, no matter how it is brewed or made; french press, espresso, cold brew, chemex (if you haven't tried this, DO IT! ) pour over... the list goes on.The stronger the better.  Right now my go to is still and grande, iced quad espresso, with one stevia and light almond milk. 

I grew up in a small town, lived on a long gravel road, and the closest place to get a pair of underwear was 20 mins away. I loved it. I especially loved riding my bike down the driveway and down the road a little ways to a small flower stand. We called it "The flower lady". There was never anyone there, I'm not even sure if it was a lady, or a man who owned it. It was a small wood stand with fresh bouquets of flowers for sale, honor system of course. You put the cash in a small wood box and grabbed your flowers and that was that. I haven't seen anything like that in years. Anyways, I think that's when my love for fresh flowers began; and I think about that little stand every time I buy a fresh bouquet of flowers (no, not the kind from the grocery store). 

I did ballet, jazz and a little hip hop dancing in a studio for a few years growing up, (mostly because my friends did); but that's not the kind of dancing I'm talking about here. The kind of dancing that puts me in a good mood is usually in 1 of two places; the kitchen or the shower. It's usually accompanied by singing, and followed by laughing. I definitely don't "have the moves", but if you see me dancing, you can bet I'm having a good time. My kids love it now, and I'm almost 100% sure they will hate it later. There is no documentation of my dancing and I'd like to keep it that way, so no pic for ya here! Thank goodness! (Believe me I am doing y'all a favor)

I think this also comes growing up in the middle of the woods. I spent most of my childhood outside, exploring "trails" on our property and hanging out in my fort my dad built for me and my friends in the woods. There is just something about being outside, surrounded by nature, that just makes me happy inside. I love going on new hikes, or just going for a walk around the neighborhood. I need to take the time to plan some more outdoor adventuring here before we move. 

I have always enjoyed sports, and when high school was over, and co ed college sports came to an end, I kind of forgot how happy it made me to be ACTIVE. I had never thought about it before because it was just something I always did while playing sports. My fave was basketball, but I also played soccer and fastpitch. I have tried gyms, personal trainers, jazzercise, running etc. , but at home workouts work best for this busy mama. Nothing beats working up a good sweat, hellllooo endorphins! Working out instantly improves my mood and self confidence.   


This list doesn't come close to including all the things in my blessed life that bring me joy. These may seem like small things, but the big picture is made up of all kinds of little things. Happy May to you all! I hope you take the time to figure out the things that make you happy and try to incorporate them into your everyday life! Life is short, friends! Thanks for reading!


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